How to Contribute

Golden Rules

  1. Be kind.
  2. Imperfect feedback is infinitely better than no feedback at all.

So you’ve found a bug or have a suggestion and…

You’re short on time:

No worries. This will take less than a minute.

  • Go to the github issues page.
  • Select the Get Started button next to Bug report or Feature request
  • Fill in the title line.
  • Delete the template out the body and briefly describe your issue/feature.
  • Submit new issue.

You have a bit more time:

Much appreciated!

  • Go to the github issues page.
  • Click the green New issue button.
  • Select the Get Started button next to Bug report or Feature request
  • Fill in the title line.
  • Complete as much of the template prompt questions as you’re able.
  • Submit new issue.

You’d like to code the solution yourself:

Awesome!!! But first…

Ask questions first, shoot later

If you could, please submit an issue as detailed above. This allows us to have a conversation about it first and figure out the best solution. I’d hate for you to do all the work and submit a pull request only to find out it’s not a direction we want the project going in.

You can also email, but we’ll ultimately end up creating a github issue in order to keep a paper trail.

Developer Steps

  1. Fork the fuzzytable repo.

  2. Clone and create feature branch

    $ git clone
    $ git checkout -b featurename
  3. Set up development environment

    python -m venv .venv
    pip install flit
    flit install --deps develop --symlink

    If running Windows, replace the --symlink option with --pth-file. See flit docs for explanation.

    flit install --deps develop --pth-file
  4. Write code.

  5. Test Write tests in /tests. Use pytest to run tests quickly


    Run tests and check coverage:

    pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=fuzzytable tests/

    When all tests pass and code has 100% coverage, run tox to ensure the code works in all three python environments:

  6. Commit and push to remote

    git commit -am 'featurename'
    git push --set-upstream origin featurename
  7. Create a Pull Request


